The manual encompasses fifty five indigenous species. The text of Jackson (1962) unpublished Manual of Silviculture was adopted as basic material for forty two species that were reviewed and updated with more recent information. The post graduate dissertations were also useful sources of information, for example Ishraga (2004) and Sayeda (2003). The sources of information are displayed for the individual species in their respective bibliographies. J.K. Jackson served with the Forests Department from 1944 to 1954, filling within that period the post of silviculturist from 1950 to 1954. He...
The manual encompasses fifty five indigenous species. The text of Jackson (1962) unpublished Manual of Silviculture was adopted as basic material for ...
This manual embodies information on the silviculture and management practices of some selected exotic tree species and shrubs introduced into the Sudan and commonly used or of potential value in afforestation, desertification control, food security, fodder, amenity, urban tree planting, wood and non wood products, industrial raw materials, medication, agroforestry and environmental conservation.The manual incorporates 61 exotic species. The unpublished manuscript of Jackson (1962) ―Manual of Silviculture‖ was adopted as basic material for thirty five species that were extensively...
This manual embodies information on the silviculture and management practices of some selected exotic tree species and shrubs introduced into the Suda...