Mohd Amiruddin Arumugam Mohd Aminur Rash, Abu Hasan Zorkeflee
Estimating flood hazard in areas subject to flooding from rivers is the basis of many hydrological studies. An estimate of the spatial dimension of the flood event is implicitly deduced from these stages. This study focused on the determination of producing flood plain map from different Annual Rainfall Intensity (ARI) and hydraulic. A numbers of flood plain map were designed using ArcView GIS 3.3 with extension of HECGeoRAS and by using HEC-RAS as hydraulic model. While CCHE2D model visualise the flood extend in 2D and as a comparison with HEC-RAS. Results show that different storm events...
Estimating flood hazard in areas subject to flooding from rivers is the basis of many hydrological studies. An estimate of the spatial dimension of th...