Dom Anscar Vonier, Abbot of Buckfast, was among England's greatest homilists and theologians of the early twentieth century. His works include "A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist" and "The Spirit and the Bride." In this final book of his Christological Trilogy, Abbot Vonier gives an inspiring account of Christ's triumph over death and its centrality to the life of the Church. Through a close study of the New Testament, Vonier unfolds how the truth of Christ as Victor informs the Church's liturgy and aposotolic mission, giving to all Christian spirits the means of understanding and...
Dom Anscar Vonier, Abbot of Buckfast, was among England's greatest homilists and theologians of the early twentieth century. His works include "A Key ...
"The first theologian in modern times to discover to our wonder and joy the fully sacramental character of the Mass was, doubtless, that profound and personal thinker, Abbot Vonier." - Fr. W. Barden, O.P.
In his greatest, and most influential masterpiece, Abbot Vonier gives a spiritually and intellectually enriching explanation of the Eucharist based on a careful study of "the great sacramental doctrine of the Church" found in the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Council of Trent. Vonier writes, "To conceive the sacrifice of Mass as a sacrament is a simple visualization of a great...
"The first theologian in modern times to discover to our wonder and joy the fully sacramental character of the Mass was, doubtless, that profound and ...
Dom Anscar Vonier, Abbot of Buckfast, was among England's greatest homilists and theologians of the early twentieth century. His many classic works include A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist, The Life of the World to Come, and The Personality of Christ.
In Christianus, Abbot Vonier presents an absorbing theological reflection on how the indwelling of Christ expresses itself in the Christian moral life, in the visible "form of the Christian Person." Through a series of meditations on the distinct components of Catholic morality and spirituality-discipleship,...
Dom Anscar Vonier, Abbot of Buckfast, was among England's greatest homilists and theologians of the early twentieth century. His many classic works in...
No happier phrase was ever coined than the last sentence of the Nicene Creed. ... The life of the world to come is above all and before all the true life of this world made eternal, immortal, carried to its highest potentialities. The difficulty lies in discernment between the true and illusory life, between the abnormal yearnings of a fallen nature and the steady aspirations of the sound spirit in man. -Dom Anscar Vonier
In The Life of the World to Come Abbot Vonier presents the Catholic understanding of eternal life as the greatest expectation of the Christian soul, and...
No happier phrase was ever coined than the last sentence of the Nicene Creed. ... The life of the world to come is above all and before all the tru...
In The People of God, Abbot Vonier gives a biblical and Catholic account of Church's covenantal life and activities that define her as a "people," a "kingdom," and a "Church." Beginning with the literary imagery and historical unfolding of "the people of God" throughout the Old Testament, Vonier shows how the fulfillment of Israel in the Christian Chruch involves a public and liturgical life essential to her special identity as a morally unified people.
His enlightening exposition of the Lord's Prayer and study of the Sacraments further show how the liturgical elements of the...
In The People of God, Abbot Vonier gives a biblical and Catholic account of Church's covenantal life and activities that define her as a "peop...