In a world where everyone is either a criminal or a victim. Earth was ravaged by wars, chemicals and radiation. A green sludge borders every city, town and population. Governments have fallen but corporations thrived. The poor are subject to the greed of the few Elites. The final chapter in the Robin Luddites Trilogy, Darius Jones struggles with the demons of his past and present while his friends are suffering. For the Jones family, it is a bad week. A child is kidnapped, Gus is arrested and tortured; Rose is enslaved by her contract. The Jones family struggles through a dangerous world....
In a world where everyone is either a criminal or a victim. Earth was ravaged by wars, chemicals and radiation. A green sludge borders every city, tow...
Follow the story of Navajo Elder Peta Ptaysanwee as he discovers the truth about Mech and the Blue Star space station. His past and future are molded like the copper bowl that he uses to tune the portals. Peta's story leads to the end of the world and the beginning of the new one. Elder Peta Ptaysanwee begins the creation of the Blue Star Assembly after learning the secrets about Marduk. He rescues FIona Marx from the military and enlists the help of the Miguels as Blue Dragons. The Blue Dragons help refugees and the displaced escape into Fifth World. Miguels guide the people into Machu...
Follow the story of Navajo Elder Peta Ptaysanwee as he discovers the truth about Mech and the Blue Star space station. His past and future are molded ...