Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of 21 Hudson Taylor left the United Kingdom to sail half way round the world to China. Why did he do this? He did it to tell the Chinese people about the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them a message of hope. This story covers Hudson's childhood and traumatic teenage years as well as his life as a well-known pioneer missionary.
Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of 21 Hud...
What made an ordinary monk become a catalyst for the Reformation in Europe in the 1500s? What were the reasons lying behind his nailing of 95 theses against the practice of indulgences to the door of the Schlosskirche in Wittenberg in 1517? Why was Martin Luther's life in danger? How did his apparent kidnapping result in the first ever New Testament translated into the German language? Discover how a fresh understanding of the Scriptures not only transformed his own life but had a huge impact upon Europe.
What made an ordinary monk become a catalyst for the Reformation in Europe in the 1500s? What were the reasons lying behind his nailing of 95 these...