Eine Liebesgeschichte. Als Annie Ogdens Ex Michael Garcia wieder auftaucht, muss sie eine Lugengeschichte aus der Zeit ihres Irak-Dienstes beichten. Wird sie zu Michael, dem feurigen, leidenschaftlichen Rebell mit einem beangstigenden Hang zu Meth, zuruckkehren oder bei ihrem pummeligen Detektivpartner und Verlobten Salvatore bleiben? Ein Mord. Die Vorzeichen andern sich, als Michael wegen Mordes festgenommen wird. Als Salvatore sich weigert, bei der Untersuchung des Falls zu helfen, muss Annie wohl oder ubel selbst nach dem Morder suchen. Derweil macht sich Todd, der Versager, der ihre...
Eine Liebesgeschichte. Als Annie Ogdens Ex Michael Garcia wieder auftaucht, muss sie eine Lugengeschichte aus der Zeit ihres Irak-Dienstes beichten. W...
"Matt, Raine went to California because her parents thought it was safe. It's not. You've got to get her out as soon as possible. She could die, Matt." When 19-year-old Matt Carney gets a cryptic message from his father telling him to go to California and save his girlfriend, Raine, he doesn't hesitate-he grabs his AK-47, revs up his blue pickup, and gets ready to make the 2,300-mile roadtrip. But cross-country travel in 2021 isn't easy-or, sometimes, even possible. The U.S. has become a near-military state: 17,000 checkpoints severely restrict interstate movement, Predator drones target...
"Matt, Raine went to California because her parents thought it was safe. It's not. You've got to get her out as soon as possible. She could die, Matt....
When 19-year-old Matt Carney saved his girlfriend, Raine, from the crossfire between the government's increasingly ruthless Homeland Security and March22, a terrorist group taking steps to strike a new, legitimate path, he thought his work was done. Was he ever wrong. Kidnapped by the brutal Dark Fiber militia, Matt is shocked to discover he's been betrayed by those he trusted most. Stranded in an isolated location in the middle of Michigan, far away from the girl he fought so hard to regain, Matt is made March22's point man in a plot to get control over a cache of thousands of stolen...
When 19-year-old Matt Carney saved his girlfriend, Raine, from the crossfire between the government's increasingly ruthless Homeland Security and Marc...
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2021, eine Zeit, in der Drohnen samtliche Aufgaben des Alltags erledigen. Gleichzeitig haben sich die USA zu einer Art Militarstaat entwickelt. Nicht selten werden prominente Amerikaner Opfer von Attentaten, das Reisen in andere Bundesstaaten ist massiv eingeschrankt, taglich werden Stadte von Explosionen erschuttert, und - am allerschlimmsten - der Nahrungsmittelmarkt wird zunehmend von einem korrupten Syndikat rivalisierender militanter Gruppierungen kontrolliert. Dann erhalt der 19-jahrige Matt Carney eine ratselhafte Botschaft, in der sein Vater ihn dringend dazu...
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2021, eine Zeit, in der Drohnen samtliche Aufgaben des Alltags erledigen. Gleichzeitig haben sich die USA zu einer Art Militars...
Matt Carney has nailed every mission underground guerrilla organization March22 has given him, beating the odds time after time. But when he gets his new assignment, he quickly sees his chances of success dwindling to zero. "Find the man," they tell him. Except the man he is supposed to find is at the top of Homeland Security's Most Wanted list, an expert at escape and deception. "Stop the man," they tell him. Except the man he's supposed to stop is plotting the murder of millions of Americans in a sociopathic quest for a new social order. ...and this man, the one they want him to find and...
Matt Carney has nailed every mission underground guerrilla organization March22 has given him, beating the odds time after time. But when he gets his ...