Recoil is the second book in The Visions of David Palmer series, a multi-book series from Stephen Reid Andrews Six months have passed since David, Maddy, and Ridley defeated and exposed the domestic terrorist organization known as the Triangle. With the occasional help of David's brother, the league of friends have spent their time using the foreknowledge of David's visions to anonymously go about serving the desperate and destitute. Whether helping victim or potential perpetrator, their objective and ultimate satisfaction comes from using their limited resources and abilities to make the...
Recoil is the second book in The Visions of David Palmer series, a multi-book series from Stephen Reid Andrews Six months have passed since David, Mad...
During one of the darkest periods in the history of Europe, the Prince Bishop of Bamberg has falsely accused Veronica's father of witchcraft, arrested him, and ordered him to be burned at the stake. Refusing to heed the warning of her father that she escape before she is also accused, Veronica seeks to save her father and is caught in a fight which she had never imagined she would be a part and a fight her father wanted her to avoid - a three-way war among the mortals, the witches, and the Innocents. With the mistakes of her youth resulting in the false accusations feared by her father,...
During one of the darkest periods in the history of Europe, the Prince Bishop of Bamberg has falsely accused Veronica's father of witchcraft, arrested...