"Will Step Four be painful for me?" "How can I get the willingness I need?" "Can I ever become rigorously honest?" "Can I ever be rid of resentment?" "Will my guilty feelings ever go away?" "What are our character defects?" "Why do we pray in A.A.?" "What is faith?" "What is spirituality?" Anyone who is new to Twelve Step recovery and is about to begin writing their Fourth Step inventory is bound to meet a few obstacles. For the most part, these obstacles seem to be made of fears. However, from his many years of experience as an A.A. sponsor, Mike D. has found that most of those fears are...
"Will Step Four be painful for me?" "How can I get the willingness I need?" "Can I ever become rigorously honest?" "Can I ever be rid of resentment?" ...
Why do so many people have trouble with prayer and meditation when it seems to come so easily for others? Why do some of us feel that it's so mysterious and elusive that it seems beyond our reach? Is it possible that the answers can be found by simply embracing our own human nature? In this book, Mike conveys the message that when we are struggling with prayer and meditation, we are fighting against a perfectly normal and natural part of our humanity. Any beginner will be pleased to discover that prayer, meditation and spirituality are completely natural aspects of our humanity, and not so...
Why do so many people have trouble with prayer and meditation when it seems to come so easily for others? Why do some of us feel that it's so mysterio...