"Sinners" is the pilot episode to the fictional animated series The CW Chronicles, a saga of cosmic proportions Narrated by Vlad, these events take place in the outskirts of a different place, a different universe, an alternate reality. What is referred to as a dimension. This particular dimension is called the Weirdiverse, and Villain, the Champion of Chaos, is on the verge of destroying it. Villain has found a way to damage the source of life in the cosmos. If he isn't stopped, life will cease to exist in all of the universes and dimensions. Reality will be destroyed. Working alongside CW,...
"Sinners" is the pilot episode to the fictional animated series The CW Chronicles, a saga of cosmic proportions Narrated by Vlad, these events take p...
Following his divorce, Felix Sinclair vowed to never commit to a woman again...until he washed up on Poppy Montgomery's doorstep, proving that sometimes taking the road less traveled pays off. One night of passion promised a lifetime of happiness, but when Felix begins to grow distant, disappearing for long periods of time without an explanation, Poppy begins to suspect that Felix may not be as committed to her as he claims. They say the hardest part of love is trusting your heart to someone else, but Poppy is about to find out that sometimes the hardest part may be letting go.
Following his divorce, Felix Sinclair vowed to never commit to a woman again...until he washed up on Poppy Montgomery's doorstep, proving that sometim...
From the wrong side of the tracks... Alyson Blake had learned early on that the only one she could depend on was herself. The only light in her life was a boy whom everyone agreed was destined for prison; but with his first kiss, he had set her soul on fire. Since the day the police dragged him away in handcuffs, she had managed to lead a quiet life, but when she attends an event fraught with mayhem, trouble resurfaces. The one person she can't forget... Jamison Weston is the kind of guy dads load their shotguns for; endowed with a hot temper and a rap sheet as long as both tattooed arms....
From the wrong side of the tracks... Alyson Blake had learned early on that the only one she could depend on was herself. The only light in her life w...
History brought them together. Circumstances may keep them apart. Alyson Blake's past left her with scars. Scars that she tried to fix the only way she knew how-by helping others. But actions have consequences, and Alyson is about to find out that being naive is no excuse. Fighting is Jamison Weston's passion. Alyson is his obsession. Despite the past and a few lingering concerns, their relationship is as solid as ever. Until a shocking lie is uncovered and all of his plans begin to unravel. Now, Jami is rushing to pick up the pieces, but as relationships are put to the test, will he be...
History brought them together. Circumstances may keep them apart. Alyson Blake's past left her with scars. Scars that she tried to fix the only way sh...
Depend on a man? It was NOT happening. Katalena Smith didn't hold much value in the opposite sex sticking around. She'd learned at a young age not to depend on men being there when you needed them, her father being the first example by disappearing when she was sixteen. As she got older, Kat thought she had met "Mr. Right" only for him to confirm that men in general...were pigs. Men could keep their black hearts for all she cared. Kat would stick to stealing more profitable items, like information and pretty shiny things Running was far easier than being caught. Falling for a mysterious girl...
Depend on a man? It was NOT happening. Katalena Smith didn't hold much value in the opposite sex sticking around. She'd learned at a young age not to ...
AMAZON BESTSELLER For 2016 (1/12/16) Brand NEW Interior Design-More Lines Per Page and a Crisp New Design. And a Back Cover Facelift-More Professional Look. "This is how I felt about becoming an editor as my career choice. After over 25 years in the newspaper industry, I Believed I Could So I Did. Maybe YOU should believe in yourself, too." -Rogena Everyone loves a journal. Keep one with you always for when your characters begin to talk to you. Quality paper. Convenient size. 7x10 Book / Matte Cover / 100 Lined Pages
AMAZON BESTSELLER For 2016 (1/12/16) Brand NEW Interior Design-More Lines Per Page and a Crisp New Design. And a Back Cover Facelift-More Pr...
Who doesn't love the ocean? Take me to the beach any day. I love the sound of the sea and the seagulls, too. Take this journal with you to the beach and never be without a place to write your thoughts. - Salt Water Cures Anything... and Everything. Sweat, tears... and the SEA. - Quality paper. Convenient size. 7x10 Book / Matte Cover / 100 Lined Pages
Who doesn't love the ocean? Take me to the beach any day. I love the sound of the sea and the seagulls, too. Take this journal with you to the beach a...
FACELIFT time - January 2016 - More lines per page and a more professional look. The Love of a Pit - Dedicated to my daughter, Ami. In honor of her first Pit Bulls, Diesel and Dexter. Proceeds of this journal will be donated to Reggie's Friends Rescue in Texas. Beautiful journals can also be used as planners or steno pads, too. Rogena Mitchell-Jones JOURNALS. Quality Books and Fun Designs. Size 7"x10" - 100 Lined Pages
FACELIFT time - January 2016 - More lines per page and a more professional look. The Love of a Pit - Dedicated to my daughter, Ami. In honor of h...