Developing Countries including India are the hotspots of zoonotic diseases but developed nations including USA, UK, Australia and others too face a continuous threat from many emerging and re-emerging zoonoses. Predicting and controlling diseases at the human-animal interface is thus a huge challenge world over. The present book " Zoonoses: Bacterial Diseases" present the general aspects of zoonotic diseases and detailed description of major bacterial diseases. Simple language and excellent illustrations are sure to make the contents of the book interesting and easily comprehensible for...
Developing Countries including India are the hotspots of zoonotic diseases but developed nations including USA, UK, Australia and others too face a co...
Viral zoonoses include a number of severe diseases that cause encephalitic or haemorrhagic manifestations in human beings. Arthropod vectors play important role in dissemination of many such infections. Rickettsiae, which phylogenetically occupy a position between bacteria and viruses, comprise another important group of zoonotic organisms. These are responsible for a diverse variety of vector-borne diseases. The present book " Zoonoses: Viral, Rickettsial and Prion Diseases" aims at developing an understandin of the animal-human-vector-microbe-environment interface and to conceptualize...
Viral zoonoses include a number of severe diseases that cause encephalitic or haemorrhagic manifestations in human beings. Arthropod vectors play impo...
This book fully explains the causation of rabies in man and animals, its global epidemiology, risk analysis and effective strategies for management of exposures. Includes answers to 200 frequently asked questions for quick, accurate knowledge.
This book fully explains the causation of rabies in man and animals, its global epidemiology, risk analysis and effective strategies for management of...