One small step for a mouse; one giant leap for aviation.
These are dark times . . . for a small mouse. A new invention--the mechanical mousetrap--has caused all the mice but one to flee to America, the land of the free. But with cats guarding the steamships, trans-Atlantic crossings are no longer safe. In the bleakest of places . . . the one remaining mouse has a brilliant idea. He must learn to fly
Debut illustrator Torben Kuhlmann's inventive tale and stunning illustrations will capture the imagination of readers--young and old--with the death-defying feats of this courageous...
One small step for a mouse; one giant leap for aviation.
These are dark times . . . for a small mouse. A new invention--the mechanical mousetrap-...
In this German language edition of Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse, these are dark times . . . for a small mouse. A new invention--the mechanical mousetrap--has caused all the mice but one to flee to America, the land of the free. But with cats guarding the steamships, trans-Atlantic crossings are no longer safe. In the bleakest of places . . . the one remaining mouse has a brilliant idea. He must learn to fly Torben Kuhlmann's inventive tale and stunning illustrations will capture the imagination of readers--young and old--with the death-defying feats of this courageous young mouse.
In this German language edition of Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse, these are dark times . . . for a small mouse. A new invention--the mechanica...
Torben Kulhmann's stunningly illustrated, nearly wordless tale offers a fascinating window into an imaginary, yet hauntingly familiar world under our feet, where a mole suddenly recognizes the precarious balance between progress and preservation. Kulhmann's open ended text encourages thoughtful exploration into possible solutions, and his delightful endpapers depict a montage of solutions that could very well save the moles' world and ours.
Torben Kulhmann's stunningly illustrated, nearly wordless tale offers a fascinating window into an imaginary, yet hauntingly familiar world under our ...
Am Anfang lebt ein einzelner Maulwurf tief unter einer grünen Wiese. Dort gibt es alles im Überfluss. Schon bald siedeln sich mehr und mehr Maulwürfe unter der Wiese an. Doch immer mehr Maulwürfe brauchen immer mehr Infrastruktur.§Aus einfachen Wohnlöchern werden aufwändige Behausungen. Unterirdische Straßen verlaufen kreuz und quer, Bahnen und Aufzüge fahren hoch und runter. Tausende Arbeiter wuseln durch die Unterwelt. Dabei verschwindet immer mehr von der grünen Wiese und die Maulwurfhaufen reihen sich. Am Ende gibt es fast nur noch eine graubraune Einöde - überschattet von den...
Am Anfang lebt ein einzelner Maulwurf tief unter einer grünen Wiese. Dort gibt es alles im Überfluss. Schon bald siedeln sich mehr und mehr Maulwür...
A long time ago a mouse learned to fly . . . and crossed the Atlantic. But what happened next? Torben Kuhlmann's stunning new book transports readers to the moon and beyond On the heels of Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse comes Armstrong: A Mouse on the Moon--where dreams are determined only by the size of your imagination and the biggest innovators are the smallest of all. The book ends with a brief non-fiction history of human space travel--from Galileo's observations concerning the nature of the universe to man's first steps on the moon.
A long time ago a mouse learned to fly . . . and crossed the Atlantic. But what happened next? Torben Kuhlmann's stunning new book transports readers ...