It is often enough, and always with great surprise, intimated to me that there is something both ordinary and unusual in all my writings, from the "Birth of Tragedy" to the recently published "Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future" they all contain, I have been told, snares and nets for short sighted birds, and something that is almost a constant, subtle, incitement to an overturning of habitual opinions and of approved customs. What ? Everything is merely-human-all too human?
It is often enough, and always with great surprise, intimated to me that there is something both ordinary and unusual in all my writings, from the "Bi...
Als Zarathustra dreissig Jahr alt war, verliess er seine Heimat und den See seiner Heimat und ging in das Gebirge. Hier genoss er seines Geistes und seiner Einsamkeit und wurde dessen zehn Jahr nicht mude. Endlich aber verwandelte sich sein Herz, - und eines Morgens stand er mit der Morgenrothe auf, trat vor die Sonne hin und sprach zu ihr also: "Du grosses Gestirn Was ware dein Gluck, wenn du nicht Die hattest, welchen du leuchtest Zehn Jahre kamst du hier herauf zu meiner Hohle: du wurdest deines Lichtes und dieses Weges satt geworden sein, ohne mich, meinen Adler und meine Schlange."
Als Zarathustra dreissig Jahr alt war, verliess er seine Heimat und den See seiner Heimat und ging in das Gebirge. Hier genoss er seines Geistes und s...
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is one of the most analyzed thus misunderstood philosophical book. It is not widely known that Nietzsche was also a born mystic. He did not write about Christ or Buddha but he chose to write about the much fictionalized Zarathustra with recurring themes like Superman. Hitler who most likely never read this book but had heard about it and took the concept of the Ubermensch to a new direction. Hitler and the Academics have been missing the true mystic undercurrent of this masterpiece where man is just a bridge between the animal and the Ubermensch, the self-realized man....
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is one of the most analyzed thus misunderstood philosophical book. It is not widely known that Nietzsche was also a born mystic...