A lone space captain arrives in a new galaxy and finds himself on the mysterious planet of Tykonia. He inadvertently joins a failing rebellion using top secret files he obtained. With this new rebellion, he attempts to leave Tykonia, but finds the rebels & himself pursued by the controlling alien empire of the galaxy: the Trisconians. He is soon entrusted with a mystic Red Ring that contains a deep, ancient power that is unlike anything he, the rebellion, or the galaxy has ever seen before.
A lone space captain arrives in a new galaxy and finds himself on the mysterious planet of Tykonia. He inadvertently joins a failing rebellion using t...
After narrowly escaping Tykonia, Trevor Malson and his rebel friends take refuge at INSECT. While recovering, they begin to plan a new attack on the Trisconian Empire. During their attempt to increase their numbers, an unforeseen time event changes everything. Now the rebels will find themselves fighting against the Trisconians alone, again. With fierce new adversaries, new weaponry, and a bold new plan, can the rebellion succeed? How will the destiny of the Red Ring come into play?
After narrowly escaping Tykonia, Trevor Malson and his rebel friends take refuge at INSECT. While recovering, they begin to plan a new attack on the T...