Miss Justine thinks learning should always be fun After she takes a new teaching job at an Indian reservation, Miss Justine decides to use the beach as her outside classroom. Her students head to the beach with boxes to hold all their collected treasures, and they soon discover that math, history, and science can be exciting.
After the students gather rocks, feathers, and shells, they return to the schoolhouse with Miss Justine where they begin discussing all their treasures. Sorting, adding, and counting shells becomes a math lesson. Recycling feathers, shells, and twigs becomes...
Miss Justine thinks learning should always be fun After she takes a new teaching job at an Indian reservation, Miss Justine decides to use the bea...
Miss Justine thinks learning should always be fun After she takes a new teaching job at an Indian reservation, Miss Justine decides to use the beach as her outside classroom. Her students head to the beach with boxes to hold all their collected treasures, and they soon discover that math, history, and science can be exciting.
After the students gather rocks, feathers, and shells, they return to the schoolhouse with Miss Justine where they begin discussing all their treasures. Sorting, adding, and counting shells becomes a math lesson. Recycling feathers, shells, and twigs becomes...
Miss Justine thinks learning should always be fun After she takes a new teaching job at an Indian reservation, Miss Justine decides to use the bea...