A collection of the myths, folklore, and folk tales of the ancient Norse and Germanic gods and spirits that have arisen since the Conversion. Presented in groups of stories, each group concerned with the doings of a particular god or spirit. Each story is retold from collections of folklorists from different countries, and supplementary information is pulled from scholarly works by such notables as H.R. Ellis Davidson.
A collection of the myths, folklore, and folk tales of the ancient Norse and Germanic gods and spirits that have arisen since the Conversion. Presente...
Odin's Way in the Modern World is a meditation on the Odinic path from one who has been dedicated to this god for decades. Beginning with such topics as Odin's heiti (or names), his relationship with women, and his never-ending quest for knowledge and power, the text delves into the hardships of serving Odin and the author's own long-term personal relationship with this complex deity. Drawing on examples from history and saga, he examines what being an Odinist meant to the ancient heathens, and then suggests how those who worship him now must adapt these core values to modern times, just as...
Odin's Way in the Modern World is a meditation on the Odinic path from one who has been dedicated to this god for decades. Beginning with such topics ...
Heathenry is a comprehensive look at Northern Tradition religions in the modern world. Intended as more than just another "Asatru 101" book, Heathenry delves into ancient history, specialist heathen paths, and the deeper issues surrounding religious devotion. Consideration is given to obscure aspects of gods both well-known and those almost unknown. The nine noble virtues are discussed in depth, as a set of values relevant to the modern world. The runes are uniquely approached as a native system of heathen spiritual development. A summary and concordance of the Eddas is provided, with a...
Heathenry is a comprehensive look at Northern Tradition religions in the modern world. Intended as more than just another "Asatru 101" book, Heathenry...
The berserkers are legendary: mad, hairy Viking warriors who fought like wild animals, giving no thought to fear or pain. How did they perform seemingly supernatural feats - and what did they have in common with ancient Greek women dancing to exhaustion in pursuit of their god, or Vodoun practitioners eating glass while possessed by spirits, or Pentecostal preachers speaking in tongues, or even mad scientists walking the fine line between inspiration and insanity? Although arising out of widely varying cultures and worldviews, all of these people used heavily altered states of consciousness...
The berserkers are legendary: mad, hairy Viking warriors who fought like wild animals, giving no thought to fear or pain. How did they perform seeming...
This book, being an illustration of the difficult, stormy, yet often rewarding path of the berserker, is intended to assist young berserkers in the navigation of said path, by way of example. It contains a telling of the author's own life story, in regard to his berserker nature, accompanied by a number of anecdotes regarding the experiences of others. Some advice is offered, and not a few warnings as well.
This book, being an illustration of the difficult, stormy, yet often rewarding path of the berserker, is intended to assist young berserkers in the na...