This is the story of Clayton, a boy who moves to a new neighborhood and a new school. He soon makes friends in the most unexpected way and learns that observing nature and being open to learning helps him to feel at home in a brand new school and neighborhood. Clayton's Birding Adventure is for early readers, ages 7 to 10. All of Penn's books come complete with discussion questions and other resources in the back of the book to help parents guide their children in getting the most from each book before, during, and after reading. For more resources you can visit Linda's website at...
This is the story of Clayton, a boy who moves to a new neighborhood and a new school. He soon makes friends in the most unexpected way and learns that...
Older sister, Samantha, is away at camp and younger sister, Allyson, and her friends trash the bedroom that Allyson and Samantha share. Upon her return, Samantha becomes angry and lashes out at Allyson. Both girls learn a valuable lesson about respecting others people's property and forgiveness.
Older sister, Samantha, is away at camp and younger sister, Allyson, and her friends trash the bedroom that Allyson and Samantha share. Upon her retur...
Join Clayton and his friend, Austin, on a fun and exciting Ohio River adventure aboard the Granny Rose, Grampy's new houseboat. Along the journey from Louisville to Cincinnati, the boys encounter river wildlife and habitats. Upon seeing the trash floating down the Ohio and along the riverbanks, they enlist the help of their family and Science teacher to write letters to the Mayor about cleaning up the trash. The boys confront their fears as they spend their first night onboard the "mansion on water," creepy sounds and all. Fears also abound as they prepare to go into the "concrete box," the...
Join Clayton and his friend, Austin, on a fun and exciting Ohio River adventure aboard the Granny Rose, Grampy's new houseboat. Along the journey from...
A little farm girl wakes up to a beautiful morning, grabs her favorite doll, and together they walk down The Avenue to the big house where the farm owners live. Her mother has warned her never to go close up to the big house because her dad is just one of their workers. The little girl sees visions of Jesus on her walk as she struggles to understand why the big house is off limits to her.
A little farm girl wakes up to a beautiful morning, grabs her favorite doll, and together they walk down The Avenue to the big house where the farm...
Join Clayton and his friend, Austin, Grampy and Mom on a fun, intriguing, and informative adventure onboard the Granny Rose
We left these lovable and comical characters in Cincinnati at the conclusion of their last adventure as they celebrated Clayton's birthday. Now, picking up the story there, they take in the sights of Cincinnati before heading downstream on the Granny Rose. They think this will be another typical day of cruising on the Ohio River back to their homes in Louisville. But will it?
Along the way, after hearing STRANGE GHOSTLIKE NOISES, the group finds an...
Join Clayton and his friend, Austin, Grampy and Mom on a fun, intriguing, and informative adventure onboard the Granny Rose