This book has two purposes: first to argue that there is a greater need now than ever before for liberal adult education for the working class. Such provision would both help to ameliorate the gross inequalities of our society and provide some counter-balance to the increasingly utilitarian and vocational orientation of post-school education. Secondly, the book aims to describe and analyse in some detail the community-based programme for various 'disadvantaged' working class groups that has been developed by a British Pioneer Work team concerned with adult continuing education. The...
This book has two purposes: first to argue that there is a greater need now than ever before for liberal adult education for the working class. Suc...
Ian Christie Professor Richard Taylor Richard Taylor
In Eisenstein Rediscovered Ian Christie and Richard Taylor present the first true East-West symposium on Eisenstein with an unparalleled diversity of views and methodologies. Two newly discovered texts by Eisenstein are here translated fro the first time, and all the contributors make extensive use of material only recently available - variant scripts, drawings, diaries and other writings - to probe behind the familiar facade. The new' Eisenstein that emerges is in all respects a more engaging and contemporary figure than is traditionally perceived, his wit, eroticism and exlectic...
In Eisenstein Rediscovered Ian Christie and Richard Taylor present the first true East-West symposium on Eisenstein with an unparalleled dive...
You are U.S. Army Military Intelligence trainee David Dengler. Following Army M.I. protocol, you are sent on a training exercise to a city you've never visited before and ordered to surveil a public person ('public persons' having little recourse if their privacy is invaded). You can't believe your good fortune. You draw the assignment to surveil Marilyn Monroe. It is early August, 1962, and you have just been made a witness to the murder of Hollywood's biggest star. Red Mist is a fast-paced thriller that recreates the world of 1960s America, a decade obsessed with sex, violence, and...
You are U.S. Army Military Intelligence trainee David Dengler. Following Army M.I. protocol, you are sent on a training exercise to a city you've neve...