This book is a study of the short story, one of the widest taught genres in English literature, from an innovative methodological perspective. Both liminality and the short story are well-researched phenomena, but the combination of both is not frequent. This book discusses the relevance of the concept of liminality for the short story genre and for short story cycles, emphasizing theoretical perspectives, methodological relevance and applicability.
Liminality as a concept of demarcation and mediation between different processual stages, spatial complexes, and inner...
This book is a study of the short story, one of the widest taught genres in English literature, from an innovative methodological perspecti...
Die Geschichte von Johan von Wittenborg, einem Kaufmannssohn aus Lübeck, der im russischen Hansekontor in Nowgorod, dem Peterhof, 1494 seine große Liebe findet - und wieder verliert.
Die Geschichte von Johan von Wittenborg, einem Kaufmannssohn aus Lübeck, der im russischen Hansekontor in Nowgorod, dem Peterhof, 1494 seine große L...