Piotr Berdowski Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano Krystyna Stebnicka
Table of Contents: The Urukean Archpriest En in the Archaic Period: A few remarks on his functions (Krystyna Szarzynska); 'Fear the Oath ' Stepping back from Oath Taking in First Millennium BC Babylonia (Malgorzata Sandowicz); Tre Lettere di Mercanti del Mar Nero Settentrionale Revisitate. Sui modi de organizzazione e gli attori del commercio e sulla 'giustizia privata' in poleis ed emporia (Benedetto Bravo); La Conception d'Aeternitas dans le Monnayage de Consecration Romain de l'Epoque du Principat (Katarzyna Balbuza); Jerome, Palliatae, and Veteres Comici: A note to Hier. Ep.57.5.5 (De...
Table of Contents: The Urukean Archpriest En in the Archaic Period: A few remarks on his functions (Krystyna Szarzynska); 'Fear the Oath ' Stepping ba...
Piotr Berdowski Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano Krystyna Stebnicka
Palamedes seeks to provide a forum where, within the frames of cultural history broadly defined, ancient historians, classical philologists, archaeologists, jurists and epigraphists-all those who study Greek and Roman antiquity in its material, linguistic, or intellectual manifestations-can meet with Orientalist and Egyptological counterparts.
Palamedes seeks to provide a forum where, within the frames of cultural history broadly defined, ancient historians, classical philologists, archaeolo...