Please contact me for a specific book title recommendation regarding any present, and pressing issues. My e-mail address is There is no introduction to this book. You become the introduction, when you start to read it. I jump on with you at the introduction. The conclusion of it, does not exist. How is a life of complete self-fulfillment, and absolute personal success, to be lived? By you? By me? This book is a manual that teaches you where to place your assets, on yourself. It will give you the skills, and talents, that you need, to live your life successfully. The...
Please contact me for a specific book title recommendation regarding any present, and pressing issues. My e-mail address is The...
Contact me at the comment section of my website, so that I may assist you in making the right book choice for a present, and pressing personal issue. This is Book II, as defined by a brand new writing format, modern, applicable, and powerful imagery. Inspired by the "Touched" book series of non-fiction, and new presentation, in a poetic style. Again, due to my propensity to slip into one of my three diagnosed personalities, I present this as an anthology. three different people wrote these poems, yet are all inclusive in me. Therefore I list this Book II, as with Book I, as an anthology. You...
Contact me at the comment section of my website, so that I may assist you in making the right book choice for a present, and pressing personal issue. ...
Please contact me directly at "," for a specific book title recommendation, that deals with a present, and pressing situation. "Short Circuit" is the first book, to the best of my knowledge, by a bi-polar mentally ill person, who is on the "patient" side of the fence.It is a summation, exploration, and examination. A self-examination of 60 years of multiple brain chemical imbalances, as they act out visually, or not. Using accurate scales to weigh my personal experience of living, your definition, with extensive research of what mental health consumers, and providers,...
Please contact me directly at "," for a specific book title recommendation, that deals with a present, and pressing situation. "S...
Please contact me at ", for a title recommendation, based on a specific, and pressing situation that you need to bring immediate closure to. I have written this book, as the flagship for the entire "Touched" series of books. It can stand on it's own merit. I had the artwork specially done, by my web master/ graphic artist, Ivy, to pull into the cover a statement. About the world we live in, and how the world tries to prevent you, from doing that very thing. I have accomplished a couple of things here. As with all my books, excepting the child's book, this book has a very...
Please contact me at ", for a title recommendation, based on a specific, and pressing situation that you need to bring immediate ...
Please contact me at ", for a specific book recommendation regarding a present, and pressing issue you may now be experiencing. Hoodwinking is an age old custom of being able to say, and write things, that infer to others. What might that be? Certain events presented in such a way, that it is immediately assumed by the listener, as fact. It is used everyday by those who want to set up a situation, and provoke action. It is the art of getting people all shook up, then stabilize them. It can be used to protect others temporarily from a coming, or revealed, trauma. It can...
Please contact me at ", for a specific book recommendation regarding a present, and pressing issue you may now be experiencing. H...
This book tells you what the sales profession is, how it works, down to presenting actual sales interviews, skills applications, and controlling the job interview. First, the book explains how the selling profession, is about mental seduction. In order to fulfill someone else's desires. Sex can be selfish, or it can be an act of affection, and mutually satisfying. Selling is the same thing. it has to be. Just as sex can be a physical mutual coupling, sales is on the same track Except it is an intangible. What is shared is one's concept of what is to be exchanged. When I was a child, my...
This book tells you what the sales profession is, how it works, down to presenting actual sales interviews, skills applications, and controlling the j...
Please contact me directly at the website contact box or for a recommended title that deals with a specific, current, and pressing matter. What originally was a 257 page rough manuscript in 2011, is now a three book mini-series. Now I know why interpretive Bibles are 80% interpretation, and their page counts run way over 2000 pages. Sometimes, people love their own work so much, that they do not know when to quit For this series, as well as the other 8 -touched- series books, I used six interpretive Bibles, plus several reference books, plus information that I could...
Please contact me directly at the website contact box or for a recommended title that deals with a specific, current, and pressi...