Ten central and eastern European countries, along with Cyprus and Malta, joined the European Union in two waves between 2004 and 2007. This volume presents new research on the patterns of migration that resulted from the EU's enlargement. The contributors identify and analyze several new groups of migrants, notably young people without family obligations or clear plans for the future. Including case studies on migrants from Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Latvia--as well as on destination countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany--the resulting collection insightfully points towards...
Ten central and eastern European countries, along with Cyprus and Malta, joined the European Union in two waves between 2004 and 2007. This volume pre...
This book assesses recent migration patterns in Europe, which have significantly included 'return migration' against the stream of East-West migration. Since the Eastern enlargement of the EU, many regions of Central and Eastern European have experienced a loss of human resources in core industries, raising concerns about social, economic and territorial cohesion in the region. The success rates of national and regional governmental policy aiming to retain or re-attract skilled workers have been variable, yet return migration has emerged as a major element of migration flows. Bringing...
This book assesses recent migration patterns in Europe, which have significantly included 'return migration' against the stream of East-West migration...
The global economic and financial crisis has had a severe impact on southern European economies and stimulated growing numbers of mainly young migrants heading north, nurturing the fear of brain drain back home. This volume compiles recent research on European south-north migration, addressing migration processes and practices, the management of migration by institutions, and relevant public debates. It thereby delivers an important contribution to the understanding of the durability and context of recent European south-north migration and their consequences for European economies, politics,...
The global economic and financial crisis has had a severe impact on southern European economies and stimulated growing numbers of mainly young migrant...
Die Open-Access-Publikation präsentiert umfangreiche empirische Analysen zu Halte- und Bleibeorientierung Geflüchteter und richtet den Blick dabei besonders auf die Situation der ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands.Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Deutschland war bislang überwiegend auf Großstädte ausgerichtet. Durch den vermehrten Zuzug geflüchteter Menschen seit 2014 sehen sich jedoch auch Kleinstädte und Dörfer in ländlichen Regionen verstärkt mit Aufgaben der Aufnahme und Integration von Geflüchteten konfrontiert. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, empirisch fundiert zu...
Die Open-Access-Publikation präsentiert umfangreiche empirische Analysen zu Halte- und Bleibeorientierung Geflüchteter und richtet den Blick dabei b...