Growing up in a fast, dysfunctional world was normal for Alex. Everywhere she went, she was subject to abuse. She would catch the public bus at the age of eight years old in the rough city streets of DC. In the 1980s, watching drunks and drug addicts crowd the bus stop was everyday life. Forced to become street smart after being a ward of the courts for eight years, Alex thought things could not get any worse. Not surprisingly, they did. After trusting someone that she thought had her best interests at heart, she soon finds herself married and pregnant at the age of fifteen, and now a...
Growing up in a fast, dysfunctional world was normal for Alex. Everywhere she went, she was subject to abuse. She would catch the public bus at th...
Growing up in a fast, dysfunctional world was normal for Alex. Everywhere she went, she was subject to abuse. She would catch the public bus at the age of eight years old in the rough city streets of DC. In the 1980s, watching drunks and drug addicts crowd the bus stop was everyday life. Forced to become street smart after being a ward of the courts for eight years, Alex thought things could not get any worse. Not surprisingly, they did. After trusting someone that she thought had her best interests at heart, she soon finds herself married and pregnant at the age of fifteen, and now a...
Growing up in a fast, dysfunctional world was normal for Alex. Everywhere she went, she was subject to abuse. She would catch the public bus at th...