This fictional story about broken hearts and second chances begins with a cursing, naked toddler who enters the world of a grieving widow and her only daughter. When Mattie, Ruby and Gracie Jo meet it is difficult to tell whose life will be changed the most. Getting Home is a tale of falling in love, losing at love and finding the way to what matters.
This fictional story about broken hearts and second chances begins with a cursing, naked toddler who enters the world of a grieving widow and her only...
Boots is lonely and decides one day to find a friend that wants to play. There are lots of animals in the forest today. Maybe one of them will stop and play. Some are too small, some are too tall and some don't want to play at all. Will Boots ever find a friend? Open the book and let the journey begin.
Boots is lonely and decides one day to find a friend that wants to play. There are lots of animals in the forest today. Maybe one of them will stop an...
Jake's life has turned upside down. His mom is gone and he's living with his Dad in a smelly house. Now, he's done something bad and he doesn't know what to do. Should he tell his Dad or keep it a secret?
Jake's life has turned upside down. His mom is gone and he's living with his Dad in a smelly house. Now, he's done something bad and he doesn't know w...