Timeless Terror is the heart-pounding sequel to Close Your Eyes and See, and part three of the Sparrow's Tears Saga. "Lin Sparrow is a witch." -That's what people say. In her dreams, Lin has a seer's ability to foretell the future from the ashes of the past. Lin does it with her mind-the Nazis did it with a machine. Lin's prophetic visions bind her once again with Special Forces Captain James Ross. Al-Qaeda terrorist cells have been receiving funding from the mysterious professor who pays them with gold-Nazi gold. Ross has been dispatched to Switzerland to find the source of the blood money,...
Timeless Terror is the heart-pounding sequel to Close Your Eyes and See, and part three of the Sparrow's Tears Saga. "Lin Sparrow is a witch." -That's...
Timeless Terror is the heart-pounding sequel to Close Your Eyes and See, and part three of the Sparrow's Tears Saga. "Lin Sparrow is a witch." -That's what people say. In her dreams, Lin has a seer's ability to foretell the future from the ashes of the past. Lin does it with her mind-the Nazis did it with a machine. Lin's prophetic visions bind her once again with Special Forces Captain James Ross. Al-Qaeda terrorist cells have been receiving funding from the mysterious professor who pays them with gold-Nazi gold. Ross has been dispatched to Switzerland to find the source of the blood money,...
Timeless Terror is the heart-pounding sequel to Close Your Eyes and See, and part three of the Sparrow's Tears Saga. "Lin Sparrow is a witch." -That's...