Africa's Embrace is author Mark Wentling's fictional account about the adventures of a young man from Kansas who travels to Africa and becomes caught up in a mystical larger-than-life adventure. This well-crafted novel revolves around the main character of "David," who abruptly leaves his home in Kansas in order to follow his destiny in Africa. Upon arrival, he is renamed "Bobovovi" and chosen by the spirit world to ride the "mountain moonbeam" and become "transformed" by an ancient baobab tree. Bobovovi does his best to make his goodwill prevail, but his humanitarian work is fraught with...
Africa's Embrace is author Mark Wentling's fictional account about the adventures of a young man from Kansas who travels to Africa and becomes caught ...
Africa's Embrace is author Mark Wentling's fictional account about the adventures of a young man from Kansas who travels to Africa and becomes caught up in a mystical, larger-than-life adventure. This well-crafted novel revolves around a young man named David, who abruptly leaves his home in Kansas in order to follow his destiny in Africa. Upon arrival, he is renamed "Bobovovi" and chosen by the spirit world to ride the "mountain moonbeam" and become "transformed" by an ancient baobab tree. Bobovovi does his best to make his goodwill prevail, but his humanitarian work is fraught with...
Africa's Embrace is author Mark Wentling's fictional account about the adventures of a young man from Kansas who travels to Africa and becomes caught ...
"JB's elderly brother and sister were recluses and never spoke to anyone... They were the only ones who could possibly know what had happened to JB, but they did not talk to anyone. They seemed intent on taking JB's secret, if indeed they knew his secret, to the grave with them."
Journey to another time and place in Mark Wentling's magical new novel, "Africa's Release."
The residents of Gemini, Kansas, have grown used to the odd man who goes by the name of JB and roams their neighborhood in a befuddled state. But when he abruptly disappears one night, the townspeople find themselves...
"JB's elderly brother and sister were recluses and never spoke to anyone... They were the only ones who could possibly know what had happened to JB...
Fascinated by a mysterious novella, aspiring journalist Robin Fletcher is determined to find out more about the book's main character, a man known only as J.B. His quest leads him from the wheat fields of Kansas to a small, disadvantaged country in Africa.
Thousands of miles from Kansas, in the small village of Ataku, half-caste chief Letivi grapples with his village's problems. The villagers' main source of income, subsistence cocoa farming, cannot compete with global companies. Young people are leaving the village, and the village's only store is under the control of a foreign...
Fascinated by a mysterious novella, aspiring journalist Robin Fletcher is determined to find out more about the book's main character, a man known ...
Dead Cow Road is a compelling work of historical fiction that focuses on the US response to Somalia's 1992 famine. US Foreign Service Officer Ray Read reluctantly accepts an assignment not of his liking, but he persists in doing his duty for his country in war-torn Somalia in spite of his contrary views and tortuous personal problems. Through Ray's eyes, the reader is provided an inside account of the US government's controversial handling of Somalia's complex emergency. The daunting challenges of coping with the harsh realities of a ruined country while trying to do good amid dangerous...
Dead Cow Road is a compelling work of historical fiction that focuses on the US response to Somalia's 1992 famine. US Foreign Service Officer Ray R...