The true story of the battle of Xom Bo II that was fought on June 17, 1967. It was a battle that pitted Five hundred 1st Infantry Division soldiers against 800 to 2000 Viet Cong from the 271st Regiment. The bloody clash took the lives of 39 Americans and seriously wounded 150 more. It is the minute by minute story of what happened that day in the steamy jungle and the story of the men who fought so valiantly to survive the ambush. It is the story of the loved ones left behind and the wounded who struggled to become whole again. It's a story that is the result of talking to many of the...
The true story of the battle of Xom Bo II that was fought on June 17, 1967. It was a battle that pitted Five hundred 1st Infantry Division soldiers ag...
The Christmas Special is a thought provoking political thriller revolving around a series of Christmas morning terrorist attacks. Beside the death and destruction wrought by these attacks, the selected day of execution could darken the sacred celebration of Christ's birth for years to come. The spellbinding novel weaves together current events with fiction creating a sobering reality of an event whose actual occurrence is certainly probable. David Hearne's new novel exposes a major terrorist attack scheduled for the morning of Christmas. A 16-year-old Muslim girl named Sheeva, who falls in...
The Christmas Special is a thought provoking political thriller revolving around a series of Christmas morning terrorist attacks. Beside the death and...