Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Medien und Politik, Pol. Kommunikation, Note: 1,3, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster (Institut fur Kommunikationswissenschaft), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Warum hat sich die Medienfreiheit in Ungarn und Estland, glaubt man bekannten Medienfreiheits-Rankings, unterschiedlich entwickelt? Ungarn und Estland gehoren zu den Staaten, die in den vergangenen 25 Jahren einen bemerkenswerten Wandel von unter Sowjetherrschaft stehenden, repressiven Regimen zu westlich beeinflussten, demokratischen Staaten vollzogen haben....
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Medien und Politik, Pol. Kommunikation, Note: 1,3, Westfalische Wilhelms-Univ...
A normal life, a furry webcomic about the two young woman Sandra Lionheart and Sarah Fox, wich have only one thing in mind, computer, video games and movies. This comicbook containes the comicstrips #1-76, wich were drawn in the years 2002-2008. As little extra, aditional pages are added, wich tell of the life of Sandra, who were drawn specifically for this volume.
A normal life, a furry webcomic about the two young woman Sandra Lionheart and Sarah Fox, wich have only one thing in mind, computer, video games and ...
A normal life, a furry webcomic about the two young woman Sandra Lionheart and Sarah Fox, which have only one thing in mind, computer, video games and movies. This comicbook containes the comicstrips #77-153, which were drawn in the years 2008-2014. As little extra, additional pages are added, who were drawn specifically for this volume.
A normal life, a furry webcomic about the two young woman Sandra Lionheart and Sarah Fox, which have only one thing in mind, computer, video games and...