The murrah buffalo is the premier major milk producer breed of Indian Sub continents especially in India and Pakistan. Murrah have been extensively utilized for upgrading the local buffalo in all over India and Pakistan. Improvement in buffaloes can therefore be brought about only through selection. A major objective for buffalo breeding is to enhance milk production for higher economic return. The present study was conducted on Murrah buffaloes with following aspect To estimate variance, covariance components and genetic parameters under single and multi traits procedures. To compare...
The murrah buffalo is the premier major milk producer breed of Indian Sub continents especially in India and Pakistan. Murrah have been extensively ut...
Milk yield is a repeatable character. The genetic contribution towards milk production during different lactation's of an individual remain same and therefore the differences in production levels from one lactation to other are due to the various environmental changes including nutrition and climate along with the physiological changes. The physiological changes may be observed in many forms viz. body growth, and functional efficiency of udder etc. The attainment of higher body weight at early age(i.e. at first calving) seems to play a vital role in building the efficient production life of...
Milk yield is a repeatable character. The genetic contribution towards milk production during different lactation's of an individual remain same and t...