Surviving Primary School - Discover how to deal with peer pressure and find your true friends...
It all started on one completely normal afternoon when Claire invited her friend Penny to come over to her house. They chatted on Facebook for a while until Claire went out of the room for a few minutes. The moment she stepped out of the door Penny went straight back to the computer which was still open on Claire's Facebook page, and without blinking an eye lid started writing really insulting comments in Claire's name on the wall of Claire's best friend...
And you really...
Surviving Primary School - Discover how to deal with peer pressure and find your true friends...
Surviving Primary School - The secrets of body language, listening and intuition...
It happened on one of the first hot days at the very beginning of the summer.
A few of us decided to ditch school - simply to walk out of the building and spend the rest of the morning by the sea
Right from the start my body started sending me signals that this wasn't stomach hurt me, and I ignored it, I got a thumping headache which I also ignored.
Sarah forged our teacher's signature with incredible skill and handed us the signed notes which were our pass out of school. We went...
Surviving Primary School - The secrets of body language, listening and intuition...
It happened on one of the first hot days at the very begin...
Surviving junior high - How to succeed in everything that that you want and could wish for...
It happened at a party. You saw her standing over there, smiling at you, flirting with her eyes and waiting for you to go up to her. And you just stood there, as if you were glued to the ground, you were frozen to the spot frantically imagining all sorts of scenarios, so much so that nothing good could possibly happen. You were just about to make the biggest fool of yourself really don't want to know what happened next...
There are no two ways about it - the ways to become...
Surviving junior high - How to succeed in everything that that you want and could wish for...
It happened at a party. You saw her standing ove...