ow to master CCNP SWITCH shows you, step-by-step, everything you need to know to master the CCNP SWITCH exam. You will discover new topics like layer 3 switching and virtual gateway protocols but also learn more about familiar switching protocols like spanning-tree and VLANs / trunking. Plus you will receive an overview of switching labs that you should practice from GNS3vault.com.
ow to master CCNP SWITCH shows you, step-by-step, everything you need to know to master the CCNP SWITCH exam. You will discover new topics like layer ...
How to Master CCNA covers everything you need to know in order to pass Cisco's CCNA Routing & Switching exam. You will learn about the basics of networking like the OSI Model, the difference between IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP and more. You will also learn how to configure protocols like spanning-tree, VLANs and trunking on your switches and how routers use routing protocols to build their routing table. This book covers everything for the ICND1 (100-101), ICND2 (200-101) and CCNA combined exam (200-120).
How to Master CCNA covers everything you need to know in order to pass Cisco's CCNA Routing & Switching exam. You will learn about the basics of netwo...