This study was intended to examine factors affecting implementation of sustainable sanitary practices by community health workers in Kitgum Matidi Sub County. The specific objectives of the study were: 1) To establish demographic characteristics of the beneficiary households of sanitary services, 2) To establish the level of implementation of sustainable sanitary practices by community health workers, 3) To examine whether implementation of sustainable sanitary practices and CHWs is dependent on socio-cultural and economic factors, 4) To find out the significance of institutional factors...
This study was intended to examine factors affecting implementation of sustainable sanitary practices by community health workers in Kitgum Matidi Sub...
This book examines that producing responsible citizens, through the school structure, requires a metaphysical understanding and identification of key global educational values, and blending them into the education process. The link between global values and the modern school is meant to define citizenship education, imploring both the rationality and morality philosophy. The rationality model is explicitly political, normative, and visionary. Education is seen as intrinsically political; designed to educate the citizen for intelligent and active participation in the civic community. The...
This book examines that producing responsible citizens, through the school structure, requires a metaphysical understanding and identification of key ...