The international bestselling romantic comedy "bursting with warmth, emotional depth, and...humor," (Entertainment Weekly) featuring the oddly charming, socially challenged genetics professor, Don, as he seeks true love is now available from Encore for a great value The art of love is never a science: Meet Don Tillman, a brilliant yet socially inept professor of genetics, who's decided it's time he found a wife. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which Don approaches all things, he designs The Wife Project to find his perfect partner: a sixteen-page, scientifically valid...
The international bestselling romantic comedy "bursting with warmth, emotional depth, and...humor," (Entertainment Weekly) featuring the oddly ...
The highly anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel The Rosie Project, starring the same extraordinary couple now living in New York and unexpectedly expecting their first child. Get ready to fall in love all over again. Don Tillman and Rosie Jarman are back. The Wife Project is complete, and Don and Rosie are happily married and living in New York. But they're about to face a new challenge because--surprise --Rosie is pregnant. Don sets about learning the protocols of becoming a father, but his unusual research style gets him into trouble with the law....
The highly anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel The Rosie Project, starring the same extraordinary couple now livi...