Pale as the Moon unfolds in the 16th century on one of the small, sandy Outer Banks islands off the North Carolina coast. This is the tale of the enduring friendship between a young Indian girl, Gray Squirrel, and a wild Outer Banks pony. Told primarily from the viewpoint of this visionary young girl, the book examines the tenuous relationship between the native Indians and the English colonists who settled on Roanoke Island. Through both mystical and practical means, Gray Squirrel and her pony manage to prevent war from breaking out, and help the colonists to survive. The story of these...
Pale as the Moon unfolds in the 16th century on one of the small, sandy Outer Banks islands off the North Carolina coast. This is the tale of the endu...
Olivia, a beautician in a small coastal South Carolina town, only went to the engagement party of Taylor and Virginia out of curiosity. She'd never seen the inside of the Donaldson estate. If she could rewind her life she'd have stayed home and painted her nails. The image of Taylor Peterson laying on the ground at Virginia's feet with a pair of garden shears in his back, the wooden handles mimicking a two-fingered peace sign in the moonlight, would haunt her the rest of her life. In the Garden with the Pruning Shears is a murder mystery, somewhat on the cozy amateur sleuth side, with a bit...
Olivia, a beautician in a small coastal South Carolina town, only went to the engagement party of Taylor and Virginia out of curiosity. She'd never se...