Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this very useful analysis of constitutional law in Venezuela provides essential information on the countryand#8217;s sources of constitutional law, its form of government, and its administrative structure. Lawyers who handle transnational matters will appreciate the clarifications of particular terminology and its application. Throughout the book, the treatment emphasizes the specific points at which constitutional law affects the interpretation of legal rules and procedure. Thorough coverage by a local...
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this very useful analysis of constitutional law in Venezuela pr...
Ce livre ressemble les travaux en droit comparE ecrits par le Professeur Allan R. Brewer-CarIas pendant les trois derniEres dEcennies, comme Rapporteur GEnEral pour les CongtrEs Internationaux de droit comparE (Uppsala 1966, Pescara 1970, TEhEran 1974, Caracas 1982, MontrEal 1990, Bristol 1998) organisEs par l'AcadEmie Internationale de droit comparE; pour les JournEes Franco-Latino AmEricaines de droit comparE (Bayonne, 1976); pour le Third ECSA-World Conference (Bruxelles 1996); ainsi que les textes des cours donnEs A la FacultE Internationale pour l'enseignement de droit comparE (Paris...
Ce livre ressemble les travaux en droit comparE ecrits par le Professeur Allan R. Brewer-CarIas pendant les trois derniEres dEcennies, comme Rappor...