Athletes know that proper nutrition is important, but finding the right balance can be complicated. Fuel Your Ride is a comprehensive guide to performance nutrition for cyclists and provides all the tools you need to customize a unique nutrition plan to achieve maximum performance. This book teaches riders everything from what to eat on race day to avoid the dreaded bonk to how to lose weight while consuming enough nutrients and power hard training rides. Fuel Your Ride combines the expert advice of numerous nutritionists, coaches, and professional cyclists to present a...
Athletes know that proper nutrition is important, but finding the right balance can be complicated. Fuel Your Ride is a comprehensive guide ...
If you were on a ride and sprained your ankle, would you say something to the group you were riding with? Obviously, you wouldn't just suffer in silence. But what about when you're out on a ride and you realize that you've gone completely numb 'down there, ' or you're chafing so badly you're afraid you're bleeding? Most people don't speak up in that case. Most will suffer in silence, come home and have no idea why they have massive saddle sores-if they realize what a saddle sore even looks like-or how to treat it. Your level of experience doesn't matter. I know riders from beginners to pros...
If you were on a ride and sprained your ankle, would you say something to the group you were riding with? Obviously, you wouldn't just suffer in silen...