Dr Jane Goretskaya Dr Marina Bichinsky Dr Marina Bichinsky
Book 5 Model for Assessment includes chapters about selecting a model for assessment of adaptive effectiveness of the organization. The focus of assessment is how an organization may cope effectively with an unexpected. Strategic planning is one of the important factors that leads executives to assess all responsive systems of organizations to realize which one needs to be improved, updated, or eliminated. Contingency plan helps leaders provide "proper consideration and treatment, the characteristics, the properties, or people" (Mitroff, 2004, p. 19). In conclusion, consulting team found that...
Book 5 Model for Assessment includes chapters about selecting a model for assessment of adaptive effectiveness of the organization. The focus of asses...
Ethics and Rationale is the sixth book out of seven from The World of Business Management series, designed as a hands-on program to provide business executives with a chance to refresh and up-date their knowledge on business ethic and legal regulations to succeed in running, managing, and operating practically any business with a little adjustment to business size and type. Discussions of the Book 6 Ethics and Rationale provide formulations of the statements of ethics and rationale and importance to follow ethical principles by organizations. One of the world largest retails was chosen for...
Ethics and Rationale is the sixth book out of seven from The World of Business Management series, designed as a hands-on program to provide business e...