Before dealing with the special varieties of the Egyptians' belief in gods, it is best to try to avoid a misunderstanding of their whole conception of the supernatural. The term god has come to tacitly imply to our minds such a highly specialised group of attributes, that we can hardly throw our ideas back into the more remote conceptions to which we also attach the same name.
Before dealing with the special varieties of the Egyptians' belief in gods, it is best to try to avoid a misunderstanding of their whole conception of...
This is a history of Ancient Egyptian and Israelite sites. From the intro: "This volume marks a new departure in the course of British excavations in Egypt. Hitherto the Egyptian Research Account has been a small resource for the promotion of the work of students; and, as such, it has enabled several to obtain that footing in the subject from which they have gone on to more important positions. It has been for eleven years a basis for the new men who have been entering upon work in Egypt. Now it has been largely expanded, and with the support of most of the British authorities in archaeology...
This is a history of Ancient Egyptian and Israelite sites. From the intro: "This volume marks a new departure in the course of British excavations in ...