King Arthur is one of the most controversial topics of early British history. Are the legends based on a real historical figure or pure mythological invention? Ilkka Syvanne's study breaks new ground, adopting a novel approach to the sources by starting with the assumption that Arthur existed and that Geoffrey of Monmouth's account has preserved details of his career that are based on real events. He then interprets these by using 'common sense' and the perspective of a specialist in late Roman military history to form a probable picture of what really happened during the period (roughly AD...
King Arthur is one of the most controversial topics of early British history. Are the legends based on a real historical figure or pure mythological i...
The only full-length monograph in English devoted to Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Pius Augustus (better known by his nickname, Caracalla).
The only full-length monograph in English devoted to Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Pius Augustus (better known by his nickname, Car...