NOTE. THE dialect of the negroes of Eastern Virginia differs totally from that of the Southern negroes, and in some material points from that of those located farther west. The elision is so constant that it is impossible to produce the exact sound, and in some cases it has been found necessary to subordinate the phonetic arrangement to intelligibility. The following rules may, however, aid the reader: The final consonant is rarely sounded. Adverbs, prepositions, and short words are frequently slighted, as is the possessive. The letter r is not usually rolled except when used as a substitute...
NOTE. THE dialect of the negroes of Eastern Virginia differs totally from that of the Southern negroes, and in some material points from that of those...
Thomas Nelson Page (April 23, 1853 - November 1, 1922) was a lawyer and American writer. He also served as the U.S. ambassador to Italy during the administration of President Woodrow Wilson, including the important period of World War I. Page's postbellum fiction featured a nostalgic view of the South in step with Lost Cause mythology. Slaves are happy and simple, slotted into a paternalistic society.For example, the former slave in Marse Chan is uneducated, speaks phonetically, and has unrelenting admiration for his former master. The gentry are noble and principled, with fealty to country...
Thomas Nelson Page (April 23, 1853 - November 1, 1922) was a lawyer and American writer. He also served as the U.S. ambassador to Italy during the adm...