As the number of people aged 65 years and above rises, physicians are increasingly confronted by elderly patients with impaired renal function, altered drug metabolism and multiple comorbidities. This book examines in detail the nature of renal injury in the elderly and its optimal management. A wide range of key topics are covered, including end-stage renal disease, diabetic nephropathy, acute kidney injury, drug metabolism and renal toxicity, dialysis and its complications and the use of renal transplantation. In addition, the assessment of glomerular filtration rate in the elderly and the...
As the number of people aged 65 years and above rises, physicians are increasingly confronted by elderly patients with impaired renal function, altere...
Dieses Springer-Buch bietet alles Erforderliche fur das optimale Management der akuten Nierenschadigung. Fruhzeitige Diagnose, rasche Therapie, kompetente Nachbetreuung sind bei der plotzlichen Verschlechterung der Nierenfunktion entscheidend fur Uberleben, Krankheitsverlauf und Prognose. Fur Nephrologen, Intensivmediziner, Internisten und Chirurgen: Personelle und logistische Voraussetzungen, Kooperation inter-/intradisziplinar und stationar/ambulant, kompetente Entscheidungshilfen fur den klinischen Alltag, Tipps &Tricks, technische Fallstricke,...
Akute Nierenschadigung
Dieses Springer-Buch bietet alles Erforderliche fur das optimale Management der akuten Nierenschadigung. Fruhze...
As the number of people aged 65 years and above rises, physicians are increasingly confronted by elderly patients with impaired renal function, altered drug metabolism and multiple comorbidities.
As the number of people aged 65 years and above rises, physicians are increasingly confronted by elderly patients with impaired renal function, altere...