My book is useful for information of different weed species of groundnut, uses of herbicides in groundnut crop and persistence of herbicides through bioassay techniques.Bioassay is generally used as a means of quantitative measurement of biologically active concentration of a herbicide known to be present. However, bioassay sometimes may be used to determine the presence or absence of a particular herbicide. Generally, this task is more difficult because herbicides in the same family may produce similar symptoms. Some qualitative determination is possible Bioassay is a major tool for...
My book is useful for information of different weed species of groundnut, uses of herbicides in groundnut crop and persistence of herbicides through b...
The requirement of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur for producing one quintal sesame seed was 4.85, 2.00 and 0.58 kg, respectively. Sesame seed yield were achieved with in 8.50 to 1.33 per cent variation at different yield targets on basis of derived equation of N (FN = 22.30 x T-0.74 SN), K (FK2O = 18.76 x T-0.56 SK) and S (FS = 9.06 x T-2.24 SS). More sesame yield was obtained at 8, 10 and 12 q ha-1 yield targets by 10.39, 37.65 and 48.18 per cent, respectively,"
The requirement of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur for producing one quintal sesame seed was 4.85, 2.00 and 0.58 kg, respectively. Sesame seed yield w...
My book is useful for information on the inter relationship among different characters by estimation of genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients, the direct and indirect effects of different component characters on seed yield using path coefficient analysis, the clustering pattern of genotypes and the extent of genetic diversity among different clusters as well as the extent of genetic distance among different genotypes of soybean within a cluster.
My book is useful for information on the inter relationship among different characters by estimation of genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficie...