Historical novels on the Cold War, that followed the Second World War, are numerous and diversified. A few years back Encarta estimated the availability of 36 historical novels dealing on the general topic, 12 on the Korean War and 39 dealing with the Vietnam War. ''For Love, Loyalty, Freedom and Dignity'' ventures in the uncharted area about the impact of the Cold War in East Africa, Ethiopia. What makes unique Ethiopia in the Cold War was its membership to the League of Nations which attacked by fascist Italy led to the Second World War. Ethiopia was also unique for joining the United...
Historical novels on the Cold War, that followed the Second World War, are numerous and diversified. A few years back Encarta estimated the availabili...
This is a novel about three brothers who entertained different political loyalty during the height of the Cold War. It is about loyalty to the Emperor and country on the one hand and rebellion and revolutionary sentiments on the other. It is a genre of the fiction/alternative history. You will enjoy the suspense of the story and at the same time exposed to a historical perspective you have never read about anywhere but most true.
This is a novel about three brothers who entertained different political loyalty during the height of the Cold War. It is about loyalty to the Emperor...