For the new ACT essay (post-2015 ACT Writing section)
This book is the only guide that gives you a proven battle-tested essay template that has been used on actual administrations of the ACT to get perfect scores of 36. This isn't just the 5-paragraph stuff that you read in every other book---I'll tell you exactly what words and sentences to use, and they work for any prompt.
An actual copy of my perfect-scoring essay is included as proof. This essay was obtained through the ACT's Test Information Release service, which is available for the December, April, and June exams.
For the new ACT essay (post-2015 ACT Writing section)
This book is the only guide that gives you a proven battle-tested essay template that has ...
This book brings together everything you need to know to score high on the ACT English section, from comma rules to tough sentence ordering questions. It leaves no stones unturned.
Inside you'll find: - Clear explanations of all the tested ACT grammar rules, from the simplest to the most obscure - Tons of examples to illustrate each question type and the different ways it can show up - Hundreds of drills and practice questions to help you master the concepts - Tips and Strategies that will help any test-taker score higher - Three complete and realistic ACT English...
This book brings together everything you need to know to score high on the ACT English section, from comma rules to tough sentence ordering questions....
Fully updated for the new SAT 2016 This book brings together everything you need to know to score high on the SAT writing section, from the simplest to the most advanced grammar rule. Unlike most other test prep books, this one is truly geared towards the student aiming for the perfect score. It leaves no stones unturned. Inside, You'll Find: - Clear explanations of all the tested SAT grammar rules, from the simplest to the most obscure - Tons of examples to illustrate each question type and the different ways it can show up - Hundreds of drills and practice questions...
Fully updated for the new SAT 2016 This book brings together everything you need to know to score high on the SAT writing section, from the sim...
Note: For the most up-to-date content, buy the print edition, which now includes perfect-scoring essays from students. The Kindle edition does not have some of these revisions yet.
This book is the only guide that gives you a proven battle-tested essay template used by a perfect scorer on the New SAT. As a teacher, I took the New SAT myself and got a 1600 to bring you these insights. This isn't just the 5-paragraph stuff that you read in every other book---I'll tell you exactly what persuasive elements to look for and how to analyze them. My high-scoring essay from the...
Note: For the most up-to-date content, buy the print edition, which now includes perfect-scoring essays from students. The Kindle edition does n...