A tastefully risque novel that is provoking and not for the faint of heart... Tattered Ink is a gripping, engaging, non-stop intoxicating novel about devastating disgraces. The relentless fiction novel revolves around a life-shattering event that takes Jessie, a young fifteen year old girl through alarming and unwittingly suffering. Jessie is unaware of the history behind the turmoil that her deceased mother endured and is now forced to abide in the lifestyle that she thinks she must carry on. Her malevolent father Alex appeased his mind by pressuring his cruel and unwanted ways onto Jessie;...
A tastefully risque novel that is provoking and not for the faint of heart... Tattered Ink is a gripping, engaging, non-stop intoxicating novel about ...
A woman doesn't have to speak what she'll do all of the time; she's is too crafty for that... she'll merely show you. Sean goes full circle before he gets the full understanding of how low down and dirty a woman can be; while he is engaged in her arduous labor. Finding out that your ex will only remember you as an ex in their life with no chance of advancing; Wendy craftiness brings things to a halt for Sean and she once again delivers an act that he cannot refuse. Slapped with words that no man wants to hear from their ex, he was forced to wrap his mind around her once again. It was like...
A woman doesn't have to speak what she'll do all of the time; she's is too crafty for that... she'll merely show you. Sean goes full circle before he ...
When Jamilah said that she would do whatever it takes to protect her family, she meant just that... including a secret that she kept from her kids. Sean thought that life couldn't be any worse than dealing with his ex-girlfriend abusive nature until she tried to take him for all that he had; including his freedom. Escaping Wendy's arduous ways he was able to establish all that she took from him... including providing a better life for his son. However there is something that is yet to be discovered as Sean and his sister Shawna confronts the one person whom they thought would never do them...
When Jamilah said that she would do whatever it takes to protect her family, she meant just that... including a secret that she kept from her kids. Se...
Everything that she loved was on the line. Jamilah has loved & lost at the same time. Life handled her like balls tossed in the air; until she set her heart on loving again. In order for her to get her life back on track; she had to let go of her family, both past & present. The fight that started so long ago has finally come to an end. Sean has overcome life woes of being with a foolish woman and Wendy has been attending counseling sessions. It all seems good for now, but Jamilah is keeping her eyes open in case the truce falls flat.
Everything that she loved was on the line. Jamilah has loved & lost at the same time. Life handled her like balls tossed in the air; until she set her...