Set in the dark years after Ragnarok, this is the saga of the rebellion against the Lord of Snowdrakes, and all that came to pass. Fed by the immutable power of the jewels buried beneath the Smoking Mountains, Grimurfang reigns supreme. For centuries, the ice dragon has tormented the Viking settlers in the land of ice and fire. They endure merciless pain and suffering without end, as his isdrekar kin assail their homesteads and prevent their escape. But from the heart of the mountains comes a hope unforeseen. isklo, Grimurfang's son, is taken by stealth and raised among the settlers. Can the...
Set in the dark years after Ragnarok, this is the saga of the rebellion against the Lord of Snowdrakes, and all that came to pass. Fed by the immutabl...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. This collection of writings contains all that is known of Timothy the Living God and his place within the Murkmyre universe. For many thousands of years he had lain prone on his vibrating pleasuretron slab, blissfully unaware of anything except the revolting food he ate and the endless televisual projections he watched. Unbeknownst to Timothy, he was revered by all the remaining exiles of Earth; cathedrals were built in his name, scriptures were transcribed from the screeched communications he passed on via...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. This collection of writings contains all that is known of Timothy...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. Man-tart dislike Hitler switches fairground life child labour Jamaica Florence banana addiction urban sleepwalks flying a 747 giant spiders beard hatred owning half the toys in Hamleys ... What do all the above have in common? The author of this book, that's what. Out of My Head is an autobiographical ramble through Clifford James Hayes's life experiences and subsequent skewed views on everything. Discover the true nature of reality and find out why fashion should be banned; understand why the world needs...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. Man-tart dislike Hitler switches fairground life child labour Jam...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. Man-tart dislike Hitler switches fairground life child labour Jamaica Florence banana addiction urban sleepwalks flying a 747 giant spiders beard hatred owning half the toys in Hamleys What do all the above have in common? The author of this book, that's what. Out of My Head is an autobiographical ramble through Clifford James Hayes's life experiences and subsequent skewed views on everything. Discover the true nature of reality and find out why fashion should be banned; understand why the world needs splugs...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. Man-tart dislike Hitler switches fairground life child labour Jam...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. Man-tart dislike Hitler switches fairground life child labour Jamaica Florence banana addiction urban sleepwalks flying a 747 giant spiders beard hatred owning half the toys in Hamleys What do all the above have in common? The author of this book, that's what. Out of My Head is an autobiographical ramble through Clifford James Hayes's life experiences and subsequent skewed views on everything. Discover the true nature of reality and find out why fashion should be banned; understand why the world needs splugs...
Contains some (mild) adult content. If unsure, do not purchase for persons under 16. Man-tart dislike Hitler switches fairground life child labour Jam...