The passage from John 3:16 is generally considered the most widely read Bible verse of all time. For years, guys holding signs that read "John 3:16" have been spotted at sporting events and on street corners. A series of events lead me to wonder how many "3:16's: were in the Bible. By reading the entire Bible, I've gleaned a fair amount of understanding from some other 3:16's; there's a total of forty nine 3:16's. This is a storybook with real life stories combined with history that will give you some nuggets of wisdom to chew on. Your relationship with God is like a campfire, if you want it...
The passage from John 3:16 is generally considered the most widely read Bible verse of all time. For years, guys holding signs that read "John 3:16" h...
Rejection happens to everybody at some point - some more than others. This is an adventure story that has the potential to heal your wounds of rejection. It will also help you go forward in unlimited potential. Vashti was a queen who was forever banished by her husband King Xerxes. The story is told in the Book of Esther. During a celebration and in a drunken state, the King orders his wife to come and parade her beauty in front of all his drunken buddies. She refuses which sets off a pride fueled panic amidst the Kings advisors. Eventually, they urge the King to sign a decree that will...
Rejection happens to everybody at some point - some more than others. This is an adventure story that has the potential to heal your wounds of rejecti...
This is a 21 Day Fasting Devotional designed to make you hunger for a deeper relationship with God. It will also help you in your personal relationships as you grow a more compassionate understanding of God's nature. WHY DO I FAST? My hunger and thirst for God causes me to ignore the hunger and thirst in my body. I'm basically saying that I don't need anything but God for my sustenance. Yes, you eventually do need to eat. Our bodies are not meant to do without fuel for extended periods of time. But to take time out, and focus on God is spiritually nourishing. I want the full measure of God...
This is a 21 Day Fasting Devotional designed to make you hunger for a deeper relationship with God. It will also help you in your personal relationshi...