The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for a health hazard evaluation at a research institution in Colorado. Health and safety management submitted the request because of concern about possible radio frequency and microwave radiation (RF) and sub-RF electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures at the research institution's laboratories and atomic time radio stations. Their findings are detailed within.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for a health hazard evaluation at a research institution in Color...
Jessica G. Ramsey Dr Loren Tapp Centers for Disease Control and Preventi
3168The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at three eyeglass manufacturing facilities in Minnesota. Managers submitted the HHE request because of ergonomic concerns and musculoskeletal disorders of employees working in the surfacing and finishing departments. NIOSH's findings and recommendations are discussed.
3168The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at three eyeglass manufa...
Dr John a. Breslin Centers for Disease Control and Preventi National Institute for Occupational Safe
This publication provides a historical overview of research undertaken by the U.S. federal government over the last 100 years to improve the health and safety of our nation's miners.
This publication provides a historical overview of research undertaken by the U.S. federal government over the last 100 years to improve the health an...
Centers for Disease Control and Preventi National Center for Chronic Disease Prev Office on Smoking and Health
Preventing the initiation of tobacco use is a national public health priority. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States, and nearly all tobacco use begins during youth and young adulthood. Furthermore, cigarette smoking by young people has immediate adverse health consequences, including addiction, and accelerates the development of chronic diseases across the life course. Several studies have concluded that comprehensive state tobacco control programs are effective at reducing tobacco use by youth and young adults and have...
Preventing the initiation of tobacco use is a national public health priority. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of disease, disability...