The Hunt Series continues after graduation from the U.S. Marshal Services training. Hunt stops off in Kansas City while traveling to Denver and finds his friend, U.S. Deputy Marshal Burns shot by a sniper. Hunt gets permission to investigate and solve the crime before continuing on to Denver where he soon earns a reputation as a man that gets the job done by helping solve the murders of two U.S. Deputy Marshals and a string of other murders and robberies.
The Hunt Series continues after graduation from the U.S. Marshal Services training. Hunt stops off in Kansas City while traveling to Denver and finds ...
The Hunt-U.S. Marshal series continues with fresh and exciting adventures for Hunt and the other U.S. Marshals assigned to the Denver office. Hunt and Earl are sent north to investigate the disappearance of two army scouts and are escorted to the Sioux camp by cavalry officers from Fort Carson. Hunt's visit is complicated with the arrival of a man from Philadelphia claiming his daughter is being held against her will at the Sioux camp and is demanding that the army help him retrieve his daughter. Hunt comes face to face with the man that he tracked all the way from Boston to the Missouri...
The Hunt-U.S. Marshal series continues with fresh and exciting adventures for Hunt and the other U.S. Marshals assigned to the Denver office. Hunt and...
Hunt and the other U.S. Marshals follow a stolen herd of cattle all the way to Kansas City. The adventure ends in a shoot out. Hunt returns to Denver and is bushwhacked by a man running an illegal still. While Hunt recovers from his wounds the other lawmen search for a missing U.S. Marshal. Hunt falls in love with the nurse that helps him recover and ends up getting married. Hunt finds gold on his land, and buys 5,000 acres that adjoins his land and begins a herd of magnificent beef cattle.
Hunt and the other U.S. Marshals follow a stolen herd of cattle all the way to Kansas City. The adventure ends in a shoot out. Hunt returns to Denver ...
Hunt-U.S. V is filled with action. A Mexican gang of bandits that have been robbing, murdering, and stealing cattle come to Denver to obtain the release of their leaders that were arrested and are being held in the Denver jail. Attacks on Denver force the U.S. Marshals to ask for help. U.S. Cavalry soldiers arrive to aid the the distressed and outnumbered lawmen, but they may be too late as the gang of outlaws converges on the town determined to free their leaders and burn Denver to the ground.
Hunt-U.S. V is filled with action. A Mexican gang of bandits that have been robbing, murdering, and stealing cattle come to Denver to obtain the relea...
Storm Warrior leaves the Sioux Nation with his family and is escorted to Denver by a regiment of cavalry soldiers. After arriving in Denver he discovers that Denver has been under attack by a Mexican army of bandits and helps his old friend, U.S. Marshal Hunt, track down the remnants of the Mexican gang. Storm Warrior travels to Philadelphia and stops along the way to assist old friends that are being harassed by a group of soldiers. Upon arriving in Philadelphia Storm Warrior meets his mother-in-law and assists his wife Judith in taking control of the bank. Storm Warrior assists the local...
Storm Warrior leaves the Sioux Nation with his family and is escorted to Denver by a regiment of cavalry soldiers. After arriving in Denver he discove...