Franciscus Antoniu Franciscus Antonius Evert Wouden Rodney Needham
BY G. W. LOCHER Some years ago, in a discussion of the modern concept of structure, Levi-Strauss contended that the extraordinarily widespread employment of the term "structure" since 1930 reflected a rediscovery of the concept and the term rather than the continuation of a prior usage. This assertion may be correct in general, but it does not apply to the N ether lands, at least nOlI: so far as the concept of structure is concerned. The transmission of the concept in that country can in fact be quite easily traced. It began in 1917 with the publication by van Ossenbruggen of a study of the...
BY G. W. LOCHER Some years ago, in a discussion of the modern concept of structure, Levi-Strauss contended that the extraordinarily widespread employm...