In the aftermath of a virus that has obliterated ninety-three percent of the population, Pollen McRae, a young woman plagued with a tragic past, finds herself scarred and abandoned in the wilderness, unable to remember the previous weeks. There she meets Marcus, a mysterious man with a similar plight. Together they are determined to escape a trio of bounty hunters and rescue Pollen's niece, Evie from her imprisonment at the Crimson Survivor Refuge, a refugee camp which serves as a cover for a much more sinister plot. Meanwhile, a renegade environmental organization is recruiting survivors for...
In the aftermath of a virus that has obliterated ninety-three percent of the population, Pollen McRae, a young woman plagued with a tragic past, finds...
After escaping captivity from the Crimson Survivor Refuge, where the survivors of a mysterious virus were held under the guise of protection, Pollen McRae, her niece, Evie, and Marcus Stygma live peacefully at a botanical research center, where scientists and engineers are building a shuttle to escape the dying planet and colonize its neighbor called A1D3. Pollen's idyllic life is turned upside down when Glenn, her ex-fiance and former Crimson Enforcer, bursts into the COPS facility. She finds herself torn between her feelings for Marcus and her past with Glenn when a new development arises....
After escaping captivity from the Crimson Survivor Refuge, where the survivors of a mysterious virus were held under the guise of protection, Pollen M...
Behind every powerful organization there lies a weakness, concealed in greed and deception. Within every young mother there lies a ticking time bomb of indomitable strength. When 21-year-old Pollen McRae escaped Crimson Survivor Refuge for the third time, she hoped it would be her first and last confrontation with the Trinity, the powerful trio who released the virus that destroyed her world. But now they have captured Pollen's niece, Evie, in order to extract a portion of her DNA that could change the outcome of human existence. And they are willing to trade her . . . for Pollen and her...
Behind every powerful organization there lies a weakness, concealed in greed and deception. Within every young mother there lies a ticking time bomb o...